sweden currency symbol

SEK - The Currency Converter.
sweden currency symbol
SEK - The Currency Converter.Currency converter from Cayman Islands Dollar (KYD) to Swedish.
The Swedish Krona is the currency in Sweden (SE, SWE). The Swedish Krona is also known as Kronas. The symbol for LKR can be written Rs, ₨, SLRs, and.
The Somali Shilling is the currency in Somalia (SO, SOM). The Swedish Krona is also known as Kronas. The symbol for SEK can be written kr, Sk, and Skr. The.
HTG - The Currency Converter.
SEK - The Currency Converter.
(SEK) and Uruguayan pesos (UYU) - The Currency Converter.
sweden currency symbol
SEK - The Currency Converter.
Convert Swedish Kronor (SEK) and European Currency Units (XEU.
SEK - The Currency Converter.
May 30, 2010. Updated: 2013-04-24. Idit 2010-05-30. How can I change the currency symbol. I live in sweden and would like the euro symbol to become "kr".
The Swedish Krona is the currency in Sweden (SE, SWE). The Swedish Krona is also known as Kronas. The symbol for JMD can be written J$. The symbol for.
May 26, 2013. Swedish Krona (SEK) is the currency used in Sweden. Jamaican Dollar currency symbol: $, Swedish Krona currency symbol: kr. Jamaican.